Swap Shop
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Visit the Swap Shop at https://dot.fan/dcc/swaps
The Swap Shop helps you swap paint cartridges to get a specific color you are missing in the Dot Matrix.
Go to the Swap Shop [ https://dot.fan/dcc/swaps ] and select one of the colors you need.
On the color-specific page [ex: https://dot.fan/color/130 ] where you can click "Create Swap" to begin a new swap.
Now it's time to create a new swap! Select 1-3 cartridges you are willing to trade for a single cartridge that includes the color you need. The more colors you offer, the quicker your swap will be accepted. Weakest Offer: one 4 color cartridge (may not get accepted) Strongest Offer: three 16-color cartridges (usually accepted in hours) Your best bet is usually to offer 8-16 colors total.
Once you have the cartridges selected, click "Make Offer" to deposit them in the Dot Vault. This will move the NFTs out of your wallet and into the Dot Vault. You can cancel your offer any time before it's accepted and get your NFTs back.
You can see a list of all open and available swaps on https://dot.fan/dcc/swaps
If you own the color they are looking for, you are eligible to view the offer and accept it. If you don't own this color yet, you cannot accept the swap.
For offers you are eligible to accept, you can click "View Offer" to get more details. This lets you see exactly which colors you will gain and select which cartridges you want to swap.
You can view all your currently open swaps on the "YOURS" tab in the Swap Shop. Hover over any open offer and click Cancel to close the offer. This will move the Paint Cartridge NFTs you originally deposited from the Dot Vault back into your wallet.